How will you inject some workplace laughter this week?

So are many teams and individuals.

Don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s normal to face adversity.

Norma for life’s challenges to cause you stress.

Normal, but not inevitable.

You can beat the stress and bounce back better.

(Learn how to keep yourself and your team energised, focused and productive – message me and I’ll send you a free cheat sheet).

And when things don’t go to plan (like the whole of 2020)?

Maintain your sense of humour.

Keep laughing – laughter is the shock absorber for life.


I’n this interview I answer these questions: Cris Popp discusses benefits of Laughter for Resilience with Pat Panetta on 96.5 FM

Listen to this short interview to hear:

  1. Why it’s important to keep laughing/take a lighter approach a time like this?
  2. How organisations are using laughter to keep their staff engaged (and some funny zoom stories).
  3. Five – seven strategies to get more laughter in your life.
  4. A live laughter session (why not laugh along?).
  5. How laughter improves your wellbeing, success and longevity …

Finding it hard to keep going at the moment? So am I.